Since more than 4000 years ago, a popular snack was popcorn. Early cultures such as Native Americans enjoyed popcorn so it became a staple in many diets. In those days people made by heating sand in a fire and adding the popcorn kernels to make it so that they are to pop popcorn. Today, making popcorn is easy and economical thanks to the invention of the popcorn machine.
A Pop Popcorn Basket
One of the best deals, you can create with popcorn machine, a popcorn-pop place. This isPopcorn into a ball with a stick, shaped in the middle, that they look like a lollipop. Made for each cup of popcorn, cook a half cup water, half a cup of corn syrup and a cup of white sugar and one quarter with three tablespoons of butter and a pinch of salt.
Once the sticky coating is done (makes strings when the spoon is lifted the pot), a mixture of popcorn and coating together and form balls about the size of a baseball on food-safe wooden stick. To save time, makethe popcorn in a popcorn machine, while cooking the coating. Several different flavors popcorn can be made to add more variety.
A large wicker basket is great for the holding of the POP, just add foam covered with fabric or colored cellophane to the bottom of the basket. Then push the popcorn will appear in the foam to keep them securely in place. To dress up the "Pops", wrap the popcorn in colored foil and tie belt bends halfway up the stick. For the whole basket with coloredCellophane is a great opportunity for everyone completely.
Festive Popcorn Balls
Instead of making use of your popcorn machine on the good old popcorn balls to make colorful popcorn towers. Once the popcorn has cooled, add different types of sweets to make it like mini-marshmallows, smarties and rubber bear. Then make the coating as described above, and once it is finished, mix the coating in the popcorn mixture. While it is still hot, place a small amount of wax paper and roll the popcorn mixture into the third roundLengths. Finally, colored plastic wrap around the tower to protect it. A small wooden box makes a great holder for the popcorn towers.
Rainbow Popcorn bowls
You can make colorful and popcorn treats with your popcorn machine, simply by adding different colors of popcorn into a decorative container. To keep the popcorn to use attractive bowls, cans, or even little wooden crates lined with food-grade plastic and parchment paper. Adding the different colors of popcorn can be a bitdifficult. Hold a piece of plastic down into the container to keep the popcorn on the one side and pour paint into the first. Then add the next color in addition to the first and continue until the container is full.
When you are done, slowly pull the plastic. You can also cut wax paper into the container, which, by adding more popcorn, or you can use all the different colors blend easily hidden and can ill-fit them into the bowl.
With a popcorn machine to create beautifultreated, is a good way to sell popcorn. Best of all, make these treats are quick and easy. Whether you fly in possession of a fundraising campaign to supplement or with the popcorn machine for your business, getting creative, the popcorn off the shelf to have.